Corporate Governance
Board Structure
  The Board comprises 10 members, consisting of 5 executive Directors, 1 non-executive Director and 4 independent non-executive Directors.

Board Cmmittees
  As an integral part of good corporate governance, the Board has established the following Board Committees to oversee particular aspects of the Company’s affairs. The Committees are governed by their respective Terms of Reference.
  - Audit Committee

The Audit Committee consists of 3 independent non-executive directors.

The principal duties of the Audit Committee include the review and supervision of the Group’s financial reporting system and internal control procedures, review of the Group’s financial information and review of the relationship with the Auditors of the Company.

  - Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee comprises 1 executive director and 2 independent non-executive directors.

The principal responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee are to make recommendations to the Board on the Company’s policies and structure for all remuneration of Directors and senior management and to review the specific remuneration packages of Directors and senior management by reference to corporate goals and objectives resolved by the Board from time to time.

  - Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee comprises 1 executive director and 2 independent non-executive directors.

The Nomination Committee is primarily responsible for considering and nominating suitable candidates to become members of the Board. Criteria adopted by the Nomination Committee in considering the suitability of a candidate for directorship includes his/her qualifications, experience, expertise and knowledge as well as the requirements under the Listing Rules.

Terms of Reference
  Audit Committee
  Remuneration Committee
  Nomination Committee

Members of the Board

List of Directors and their Role and Function
  List of Directors and their Role and Function

Memorandum of Association and Bye-laws
  Memorandum of Association and Bye-laws

Procedures for shareholders to propose a person for election as a Director
  Procedures for Shareholders to propose a person for election as a Director