Home > News > 2014 > Developing the Public Enterprise Cloud Services Platform in the PRC with Cisco and TCL
Developing the Public Enterprise Cloud Services Platform in the PRC with Cisco and TCL

On 9 October 2014, Right Dynamic, an indirect 80% owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into the Shareholders’ Agreement with TCL Industries, Best Status, Canaan Capital and Reachfull, pursuant to which Right Dynamic has agreed to subscribe for, and Reachfull has agreed to allot and issue the Aggregate Subscription Shares at the aggregate Subscription price of US$6,400,000. The Aggregate Subscription Shares represent 10% of the issued share capital of Reachfull.

Reachfull is a consortium company led by TCL Corporation, set up for the purpose of developing the Public Enterprise Cloud Services Platform in the PRC with Cisco through a joint investment with Cisco Swiss.